Jesus was a messiah whose conception narrative and mission mirrors the story of Samson (Judges 13). Both Samson and Jesus were the result of an angel announcing their births to prayerful mothers. Both Samson and Jesus were sent to defeat an occupying enemy. Samson was sent to defeat the Philistines and Jesus was sent to rid Palestine of the Roman occupation. The specific verses which verify Jesus’ opposition to the Romans is Mark 5:15 & Luke 8:30: “Jesus asked him (a possessed man), “What is your name?” “Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into him.” According to Luke 8:32-34, these demons were then cast into the bodies of pigs, an animal much despised by all Jews. The definition of legion is ” a Roman regiment or group of Roman soldiers.” So, Jesus publicly declared that the Romans were swine possessed demons who occupied Palestine, Jerusalem and its temple. He publicly demonstrated his message that the Romans were no better than pigs and should be despised and cast out of Palestine.
The Jews blamed the Romans for imposing upon them the Herodian Dynasty. Herod Antipas murdered John the Baptist, Jesus’ blood relative. Such a murder demanded redress. Lev 24:17 says:“?‘Anyone who takes the life of a human being is to be put to death.” Jesus began his mission by organizing a group of fellow Galileans (probably members of his clan). He then appealed for support from the locals in Galilee and then in Judea. The locals in Jerusalem initially showed support by hailing his entrance into Jerusalem.
In Jerusalem, Jesus had public verbal disputes with the temple authorities (Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees) who were cooperating with the Romans. The locals did not challenge Jesus as he humiliated these temple authorities. Jesus and his followers next forced their way into the temple and barricaded it for 3 days so no one was allowed entrance. The locals did not show up to support his ‘insurrection’ against the collaborating temple authority, which forced him and his followers to retreat. The temple authority then attempted to turn him over to the Romans for execution, an attempt which succeeded according to the gospels’ narratives. However, it is apparent that Jesus escaped to Galilee (Mar.14:28, 16:7& Luke 24:6) leaving one of his followers who volunteered to endure the crucifixion.
The volunteer was Thomas whose name means ‘twin’ and who had previously volunteered to die for Jesus (Jhn 11:16). It appears he was Jesus’ doppelgänger. This explains why ‘Jesus’ (actually Thomas) did not protest at his trial before Pilate. His voice and manner of speech would have given him away. Jesus and his followers reorganized in Galilee. 3 years later, according to Josephus, a Samaritan Prophet attempted to establish a rival temple on Mount Gerizem. Josephus reports that Pilate got wind of the plot and killed the leaders. Since the Samaritan Prophet’s actions of defiance against Rome on Mount Gerizem mirrors Jesus insurrection in the Temple at Jerusalem, it appears that the Samaritan Prophet may have been Jesus.
The Jesus portrayed in the Gospel narratives not only harkens to the Old Testament story of Samson, the story also includes Greco-Roman mythology. By the time Jesus was born, Palestine had been occupied by the Macedonian empire of Ptolemy and Seleucid for 300 years and by the Romans for 60 years. During these years of foreign occupation, Palestine had become hellenized or heavily influenced by the cultures of Greece and Rome.
Hellenization caused the story of Jesus, who was historically, a Palestinian insurrectionist, to be viewed as a hero on the order of a self-sacrificing Prometheus and a deity-begotten Perseus instead of a Jew who attempted a coup against the Roman occupiers and their Jewish collaborators. Jesus became a hybrid hero; his Jewish half was modeled on that of Samson and his Roman personality was drawn from Greco-Roman mythology. His story was edited and propagated by Gentiles whose governments had every interest in presenting Jesus as a Roman type hero who happened to be born in Palestine, but sympathized with the Roman political agenda and Roman culture. Jesus’ Jewish origins were and are so suppressed that few know that Jesus was originally viewed as a Messiah modeled upon Samson. The Roman stuff was interpolated to make Jesus palatable to the Romans and to promote antipathy toward the native occupants of Palestine.
To further complicate the situation for the authors of the gospels, Jesus’ maternal heritage would make his claim to be a messiah unacceptable to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem. Jesus’ genealogy is presented in two conflicting reports, one in Matthew and the other in Luke. However, the gospel authors are silent on Mary’s parentage.
Mary’s genealogy is omitted from the gosepels. Mary and her husband, Joseph, lived in Galilee which shares an extensive border with Samaria. There is a good chance she was a Samaritan, which is why her lineage is absent from the gospel narratives.
Matrilineal descent was important to the Jews. The lineage of such foreign women as Ruth, a Moabite, has her parentage mentioned. She was the daughter of Eglon, king of Moab whose father was Balak. The genealogy of Moses’ wife, Zipporah, a Midianite, is traced thru her father Reul/Jethro. The wife of King Ahab, Jezebel, was the daughter of the priest-king Ethbaal, ruler of the Phoenician cities of Tyre and Sidon. As for Hebrew heroines, Sarah, wife of Abraham, was the daughter of Terah, Miriam, the sister of Moses, was the daughter of Amram from the tribe of Levy, Bathsheba, David’s wife, was the daughter of Eliam etc..
If a biblically important woman’s father is not mentioned, her tribe is mentioned as in the cases of Deborah, a Judge of Israel, who was an Ephramite, Tamar, the mother of Perez (ancestor of David), who is a Judean, Elizabeth, the relative of Mary, who is a Levite etc. Or the woman is identified by her village as Martha and Mary, companions of Jesus, from Bethany, or Mary from Magdala etc. But the gospels are ominously silent about Jesus’ mother. We don’t know her parents, her tribe or even the town of her origin. The Gospel according to John even has Jesus disrespecting his mother in public by addressing her as a woman with whom he had no relationship even unto his death. (John 2:4: Woman, what have I to do with you. My hour is not yet come.”).
This repudiation of a parent in public is so heinous that there can only conclude that his mother was a Samaritan whom the author of the gospel according to John thought necessary to divorce from the story’s hero. Jesus could not be accepted as a messiah by any Judean Jew if his heritage included a Samaritan mother.
The gospels authors used both ancient Hebrew scriptures and Greco-Roman mythology to model their tales about the Palestinian Messiah. To ensure that their Judean audience would accept Jesus as a Messiah, these authors obscured Jesus’ maternal lineage. The result of this cultural mishmash and deception by omission is a distorted biography, which has caused many an historian to doubt the existence of Jesus. Had these authors stayed true to the actual events without tainting their narratives, fewer scholars would be erring on the side of disbelief in the Messiaship of Jesus and the origins of his mother.